Monday, August 9, 2010

Fail Gardens

I am a terrible, terrible, terrible gardener. I can kill a plant by just looking at it funny, so when Brad broached the subject of starting a garden my first thought was a big Uh-Oh. Then he mentioned that we could plant tomatoes, so we started a garden.

Our garden is nothing huge or fancy. It is about 4' by 1.5', and has a couple of tomato plants and a bird bath.

As you can see, it's cute, but a little empty, and we had some extra seeds lying around the house, so we decided to spruce up the edges with some flowers.

We decided that since we had to mow around the edge of the pot, and so we wouldn't pull it out when weeding, we would plant the seeds in a coffee container. We gathered up some soil, the packet of seeds, and the coffee container and set out to grow us some pretty, pretty flowers.

I took the growing of the flowers as a kind of redemption for all of the other plants I had killed in my lifetime. Like with each bud, each petal, a past gardening sin would be erased. I slaved over the coffee cup, waiting, watching, talking to it, making sure it had water and plenty of sunlight. It became a terrible waiting game.

Then one day, it sprouted. The sprout was like a tiny green leafy fist pointed defiantly to the heavens. I was overjoyed. I had grown something. Not just a pre-potted plant, but from a seed. I had done it (albeit with Brad's help, but he's great at growing stuff, so that doesn't count).

Days turned into weeks, and I wondered why the plant was getting taller, but not bushy. Then two months passed, and the plant that was supposed to turn into a beautiful bunch of flowers, just turned into a vine. Eventually, I noticed that the plant in the coffee container looked suspiciously like the ivy that taken forever to clear out from around the house.

That's right, instead of a thing of awesomeness, I was growing a weed. Worse than a weed, a destructive thing of ivy. I was crushed.......
Then I thought about it. I had nursed and grown that ivy vine from a sproutling. Not just that, but it was flourishing. Maybe my thumb isn't green just yet, but, by God, it is at least teal.

I feel like there is some deeper meaning here, but it's game night, and Brad promised me ice cream.


ice cream.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

ITWSSG Saturday

Yay! I love doing ITWSSG Saturdays. It really brightens my day, and I hope it does for yours as well. By the way, this is my first one done completely with Photoshop. Yay for that.

See you Monday guys.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Odds and Ends....

I have a ton of drafts saved up that would not make enough room for a full post. So I thought I would use them together today, so you can see just how random I am.

Odds and Ends

Hiccuping while pooping is counterproductive.

I sometimes wish that our dog, Maddie, had opposable thumbs so she could let herself out. Then I realize just how freaky that would look, and let her out myself.

Brad cut most of my hair off a few days ago. My head feels cooler which is nice, but I realize that the hair style I have now is very anime-ish, and I can't decide whether that is nice or not. Also my roots are showing, which is not nice, but I am pretty sure nobody cares about.

Brad and I have started reading Neverwhere, which is an amazing book. We are reading it out loud, and since it is set in London, I have been reading most of the Characters voices in an English accent. That fact coupled with how much English TV (like Doctor Who, Torchwood, and Father Ted) we watch means that I slip into an accent without meaning to. It also means that when we watch anything with British accents, I can't really tell they have an accent anymore, unless it is really pronounced.

From my new job, working at a text answering service, the belief that some people should not be allowed to breed has been highly reinforced. Sometimes I just want to send back the message of "Thank you for your question. To further assist you please send in the address of your current location. Upon receival the sterilization team will be at your location shortly."

Why is Sweden so darn good at pop music? Seriously its like all they are good at is Pop, Ikea, and chefs (lol, muppets yay!). It's like when kids grow up they are tested:
"Can you sing?"
"Well can you cook?"
"The last thing I cooked turned into an unidentifiable lump. I named it SKÄRPT."
"Ikea product designer it is."

I'm starting to worry that to make the Ferengi, the writers of Deep Space 9 looked at a list of all the worst Jewish stereotypes and were like "yep, that'll do." Also, the feminist in me is kind of mad at Keiko O'Brien. In one of the episodes she has lost her purpose, on Next Generation she worked as a botanist, working primarily in the arboretum. She was also the head of the biology lab. When they get to DS9, they don't need a botanist, so what does she do? She becomes a school marm. Really Keiko? Really?

Welp, That's all for now. See ya next time.

Oh and DT.......Spanish Flea!