Tuesday, November 30, 2010

3rd Day of Craftmas

The third day of Craftmas approaches. This one is less of a potential present, and more of a household necessity. Our dog Maddie is getting older, and as she does she is getting colder. I hated to see her shivering all the time so for the third day of Craftmas I present to you:

The doggie sweater:


To make this I used:
A size 10 crochet hook
Yellow regular weight yarn
Purple regular weight yarn

Maddie loves it, and she seems all warm and comfy. It was pretty easy to do too.

See y'all tomorrow!

Monday, November 29, 2010

The 2nd Day of Craftmas

On the second day of Craftmas, your blogger made for you....

One D20 Necklace:

For this I used:

15 Gauge Silver wire
Needlenose Pliers

It was inspired by the necklace here from ThinkGeek, and it was my first attempt at wire work. I think if I redid them I would be happier with them, but I still think it turned out very nice.

See Ya Tomorrow!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The 12 Days of Craftmas: Day one

In the last few posts I have been talking about the Christmas crafts that I have been making, and I know that most of my readers are my (guy) friends, but I thought I would post the crafts just because.


On the first day of Craftmas your blogger made:

A golden swirl necklace.

To make this I used:

20 gauge gold wire
24 gauge silver wire
Assorted beads
Needlenose pliers
This tutorial

At first it seemed crazy hard, but once I got the hang of the wire twisting, it wasn't so bad.

Let me know what you think.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

I can haz merchandise?

Guess what guys???

I have a store now. It is here. Buy my shirts, tell your friends. Do it now. Now.

Why are you still reading this? Go look!

Friday, November 26, 2010

MADD is mad

We were driving up Yale today on the way to get some stuff for presents and we passed the MADD headquarters. It got me pondering and I realized that they have like the perfect racket going.

MADD means Mothers Against Drunk Driving, and that's like the easiest cause to support ever. Everyone is against drunk driving. No one is like, "Tonight I am going to get drunk, then run over a couple of kids and ruin my life forever." Being against drunk driving is like being against genocide, or sexual perversion against kittens.

I am not saying I don't support MADD, they do great work. They help to educate the community and have programs for survivors. I'm just saying that they have a stupid name.

I have decided I am going to start my own crusade, it will be called PISS or People Irate at Stupid Slogans (and acronyms).

We here at P.I.S.S. are striving to educate people of the damage done by stupid and redundant slogans and acronyms. Everyday people suffer from severe forehead and palm related injuries from an action called 'facepalming.' This facepalming is caused by exposure to stupid slogans.

What can you do to help?
The number one thing you can do is be aware that there are these things out there. Don't think that it just happens to other people; it can happen to anyone.

Know what to look for:
Here are some examples that we here at P.I.S.S. would like to make you aware of.

Avis rental cars- "We're number 2, we try harder."
I see what they were going for here, but do you really want to announce your failure, and associate your company with 'going number 2'?

Hallmark- "When you care enough to send the very best." Yeah because nothing says 'I'm thinking of you' like a card you picked up in 5 seconds on a midnight tampon run.

A.S.S.- Account Service Specialist. No explanation needed.

Well I am off to make more Christmas crafts, but remember, "Don't get angry, get P.I.S.S.ed." Also if you have any extra money this season, please donate it to a good local charity, like MADD.