Not that the swatches help me though. You see, I have this fear that no matter what the box, or in this case hair swatch, says, it'll turn out lighter in my hair. I think this every time I dye my hair, and I dye it pretty often. Anyway, I see the color I want, grab the next color darker, ask about which developer I need, grab it and some gloves, and we head back home (me full of hair color glee, and Brad good-naturedly rolling his eyes).
Now let me take a minute to explain. I have blond hair. Not as blond as it used to be, but still pretty light. If you have ever dyed blond hair you will know the flaw in my reasoning up there. If you dye light hair, you just get a better sticking of the color. Just because my hair is lighter does not mean that the color will lighten. In fact, the lighter your hair is, the closer it will look to the hair swatch. Yet, every time I buy hair dye I have the thought that I need to buy the darker color.
Back to the story.
We get home, and I head to the bathroom (grabbing a bowl I am never going to use again on my way). I read the instructions and mix the stuff. Then the smell hits me. It's like a thousand cats used the dye as a litter box. Seriously, that bad, I still smell it today. "Okay," I think, "I've done this before, I can deal with the smell. It wont be that bad."
Then I realize another flaw in my plan. The only brush I have is a makeup brush, also I can't do this with my glasses on. The brush- good for applying blush, terrible for hair coloring, So I decide to take the matter into my own hands...literally. I take off my glasses, grab a hand full of the stuff and goop it on my head, and, because I am basically blind, miss with about half of it. Thankfully I was wearing a throw away shirt.
I get the dye all worked in and breathe (very lightly because the smell is staggering) a sigh of relief. That's when the stinging started. It felt like the flesh of my scalp was being peeled off by angry hair demons. Okay, so it wasn't that bad; it was more like someone set a phaser to stun, and aimed it at my scalp. Just when I thought it couldn't get worse, I realized I had 30 minutes until I could rinse my head.
So I stumble into the bedroom, blind, stinky, and covered in what looks like blood (because I was using dark red dye). I can't even imagine what Brad thought.
Even though I have spent like, 500 words, complaining about the whole experience....I would do it again in a heartbeat. You know why? Well, because I may be stinky and missing chunks of my scalp, but My Hair Looks GOOOOOOD!
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