So, being the helpful, generous, and all around great girl that I am, I bring to you my Handy Dandy GM Guide: Part One (Combat).
Keep Your Fights Interesting:
Often times combat is the worst part of gaming. It's slow, there is often a lot of bickering about rules, and one word...THACO (such a bad four letter word, that it's a five letter word).
It's a GM's job to keep the players engaged, and keep combat interesting, so here are some tips to help in that situation.
Give player's a challenge:
All players love the feeling of accomplishment when they win that particularly hard fight, so why not up the stakes?
Level one players fighting a dragon? Good.
Level one players fighting two dragons? Better.
Level one players fighting an army of dragons riding other dragons? Best.
Throw in random easier fights:
After your group finishes with the harder fights, throw in one or two easier battles. Do not allow players to rest- that will only slow down the game. As an added bonus, if you plan it right, you could wipe out a whole party with just a few small creatures.
"The weight of the dragon's body hitting the ground causes the floor to give way. You fall into a pit littered with bones. 12 Kobolds look over the edge of the pit, their spears and arrows at the ready."
Putting these tips in your game will not only enhance the gaming experience for everyone, but will also garner you lots of praise from your players (remember the cursing of players when you do something, means you're doing it right).
Happy Gaming Everyone, and until next time....May your crits be many, and your 1's few (unless your playing GURPS or something like that).
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