Saturday, April 7, 2012


My mother had back surgery this past week, and I stayed at the hospital over Wednesday and Thursday night to make sure she was okay (which she is). If you add the sleep I got together from both of those nights you would come up with a sadly small number. Like a number that is less than the amount of sleep most people get in one night.

This had an unintended benefit though.

Let me explain: I am a shy person. I always have been, and am slowly coming to terms with the fact that I always will be. In most social situations I am the quiet girl sitting in a corner with her nose in a book wanting to be left alone.

That being said, I am part of a book club, and this tends to make things interesting. I joined because my friend started the club and I thought it would be good to read books out of my usual comfort zone (we mostly read YA fantasy with a dash of romance. Not my usual forte). When we meet I normally don't say much, maybe a sentence or two the whole meeting.

What does that have to do with lack of sleep, you ask? Well hold on to your pantaloons because I'm getting there.

So this past Friday was the book club meeting for this month. Despite the fact that I was going on very little sleep or coherency, I didn't want to flake, so I went.

It was like I was a completely different person. I was suddenly a person who could hold down a conversation with a normal person with out stuttering or mumbling (too much) or freezing up. I had the thought of 'this is what it must be like to be normal.'

It's like the sleep deprivation shut off the filter in my brain. I didn't care if I sounded stupid, heck at that point I wouldn't have cared if Cthulhu had risen from the depths and asked me for directions. I just didn't care.

Later Brad made the point that he was impressed, I think I made have made ducky noises back at him (I was pretty far gone by that point). But then he bundled me off to bed, and I woke up my old self the next morning. It got me thinking, if I had the chance would I want to be like that all the time?

I don't think I would.

The world needs quiet people, otherwise who would be there to listen?

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