Sunday, June 20, 2010

Something, Something, Clowns, Something.

Clowns, man.

They creep me right the eff out. They creep me out to the point where if I see one, I will turn around and walk the other way. It doesn't matter if the freakin' cure for cellulite were over there; if there are clowns-  I'm out. Anyone who has ever seen IT or Killer Klowns from Outer Space as a kid (or heck, even as an adult) knows that clowns are scary MoFos.

I guess I am just a little too cynical when it comes to clowns. I just don't see how any one can not be suspicious of them. They cover up their real faces, always carry a bag full of child distracting stuff, and spend most of their time around unsupervised children. Yeah...mull that one over.

The problem I have with clowns is the same that I have with mascots (or anyone else in a giant anthropomorphic animal suit), it could be anybody in there. I'm not even going to bring up John Wayne Gacy as a factor (oops, I guess I just did), but as far as I know there is no clown union (though there is a world clown association), so, unless you have access to background check software, you have no idea if Mr. Bobo is a crazy axe murder (who really uses an axe anymore these days...really).

I know rationally that not all clowns are evil. Irrationally, not so much.

Apparently it's a pretty common fear too. My hubby is scared crapless of them, so is at least one of my good friends (maybe even more than one, but we try not to discuss clowns as much as possible). According to an article by INS News (, though there aren't any definitive statistics, as many as 1 in 7 people may be scared of clowns.

I think I know where my fear comes from (I know Brad's comes from IT). When I was little, like younger than 10 little, we went to the state fair. They had one of the standard dunking booths, but the dunkee was no standard guy. He was one of the hobo clowns, all patched clothes and bald in the middle wig. I don't know if he had a cigar, but in my head he does (and it seems like something he would have, so go with it). I remember thinking that his whole job was to harass people. He would shout horrible, insulting things at them, and I remember being terrified of him. I was so afraid he would see me, and yell those horrible things at me.

So that's where it all started, and it's only gone down hill from there.

And that's enough thinking about clowns for one day.

Happy, kittens......kittens in shoes...there we go.

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