Monday, December 6, 2010
Craftmas day 8: Glove Love
Today's fare is another pair of gloves.
I love mittens, but I hate the fact that your fingers are pretty much useless when you have them on. My step-dad has a pair where the top folds back, and I had another "I could do that," moment. I made a pair for Brad, but I also made a couple of pair for my step-brothers. Brad didn't want a thumb, but all the rest of them have one.
They are all warmbly-warm, and I want a pair for myself. Once I get through making the rest of my presents for Christmas, I am probably going to make a pair.
Also if you want your own pair, just let me know. They are 10.00 a pair, and you can pick your color.
Ciao people.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
7th Day of Craftmas: Warm hands for cold hearts
2 plush hand warmers:
Please ignore the awful dirtiness of my desk.
To make this I used:
A skein of 6 weight yarn
A 10 gauge crochet hook
They are incredibly warm and comfy. I originally made them as a gift, but I am so freaking tempted to keep them for myself.
I will probably still give them away.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
The 12 days of Craftblargh...
Friday, December 3, 2010
6th Day of Craftmas: Thinking inside the box
Here it is:
To Make This I Used:
Two thrift store keyboards
Hot glue gun
Left over pages from a book
What do you think?
See you tomorrow.
5th Day of Craftmas: Boxes
I came up with this:
It was super simple too.
To make this I used:
An ugly, ugly box
An unwanted book
See you tomorrow folks.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
4th Day of Craftmas
So here is the third days offering:
To make this I used:
20 gauge copper wire
Found chain that Brad found
Found copper wire
Misc. beads
I was both recycling and making something pretty at the same time.
I am thinking about starting an Etsy page, what do you guys think?
See Ya Tomorrow.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
3rd Day of Craftmas
The doggie sweater:
To make this I used:
A size 10 crochet hook
Yellow regular weight yarn
Purple regular weight yarn
Maddie loves it, and she seems all warm and comfy. It was pretty easy to do too.
See y'all tomorrow!
Monday, November 29, 2010
The 2nd Day of Craftmas
One D20 Necklace:
For this I used:
15 Gauge Silver wire
Needlenose Pliers
It was inspired by the necklace here from ThinkGeek, and it was my first attempt at wire work. I think if I redid them I would be happier with them, but I still think it turned out very nice.
See Ya Tomorrow!!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
The 12 Days of Craftmas: Day one
On the first day of Craftmas your blogger made:
A golden swirl necklace.
To make this I used:
20 gauge gold wire
24 gauge silver wire
Assorted beads
Needlenose pliers
This tutorial
At first it seemed crazy hard, but once I got the hang of the wire twisting, it wasn't so bad.
Let me know what you think.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
I can haz merchandise?
I have a store now. It is here. Buy my shirts, tell your friends. Do it now. Now.
Why are you still reading this? Go look!
Friday, November 26, 2010
MADD is mad
We were driving up Yale today on the way to get some stuff for presents and we passed the MADD headquarters. It got me pondering and I realized that they have like the perfect racket going.
MADD means Mothers Against Drunk Driving, and that's like the easiest cause to support ever. Everyone is against drunk driving. No one is like, "Tonight I am going to get drunk, then run over a couple of kids and ruin my life forever." Being against drunk driving is like being against genocide, or sexual perversion against kittens.
I am not saying I don't support MADD, they do great work. They help to educate the community and have programs for survivors. I'm just saying that they have a stupid name.
I have decided I am going to start my own crusade, it will be called PISS or People Irate at Stupid Slogans (and acronyms).
We here at P.I.S.S. are striving to educate people of the damage done by stupid and redundant slogans and acronyms. Everyday people suffer from severe forehead and palm related injuries from an action called 'facepalming.' This facepalming is caused by exposure to stupid slogans.
What can you do to help?
The number one thing you can do is be aware that there are these things out there. Don't think that it just happens to other people; it can happen to anyone.
Know what to look for:
Here are some examples that we here at P.I.S.S. would like to make you aware of.
Avis rental cars- "We're number 2, we try harder."
I see what they were going for here, but do you really want to announce your failure, and associate your company with 'going number 2'?
Hallmark- "When you care enough to send the very best." Yeah because nothing says 'I'm thinking of you' like a card you picked up in 5 seconds on a midnight tampon run.
A.S.S.- Account Service Specialist. No explanation needed.
Well I am off to make more Christmas crafts, but remember, "Don't get angry, get P.I.S.S.ed." Also if you have any extra money this season, please donate it to a good local charity, like MADD.
Friday, October 22, 2010
So this happened 2
We were trying to convince Ezekiel of this, and this is the conversation that ensued.
Just a FYI, the kids are still alive.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
So this happened...
Canes are awesome. You know who uses canes? Awesome old guys on their porch yelling at kids, and Gregory House, and Swain from League of Legends.
So I present to You:
So This Happened:
(in my head)
Whatchaw! I can totally solve medical mysteries...with the help of my consulting team of highly paid Doctors.
M. House out!
Monday, October 11, 2010
Werewolves are Furry......
Think about it, except for killing people and eating their hearts, it fits. They are just more socially acceptable.
Here is my proof:
I'm sure there is more, and feel free to give me suggestions in the comments.
*note* This is meant as a joke, I don't wish to offend either the Furry or the werewolf community. I would be terrified if either of them chose to come after me.
Until next time batgirls and batboys.
Friday, October 8, 2010
The dark carnival...
I am writing this from my phone, so please excuse any grammatical errors...
I've always had a passion for the concept of a dark carnival. It seems so seductive for some reason. It is the reason that a empathize with Jim in Something Wicked this Way Comes.
Recently Brad and I reread Something Wicked, and it rekindled my fascination...and sparked one for Brad. He decided to run part of his DnD one shot in a dark carnival setting.
It inspired me. I grabbed my sketch book with the images. First in mind was the ringmaster. I saw him tall, emaciated, with a top hat and hellish sneer. The sooth-sayer came next; with piercing eyes and a veil that hid a skeletal grin.
I showed them to Brad, and he liked them. Then he asked for a couple of custom pieces. I think the two he asked for turned out the best. I will post them later.
This game turned out to insanely fun, and intensely satisfying. I can't wait for the next part.
Until next time....this is your ringmaster, beckoning you in.....
Here are the pic's I promised.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Fail Gardens
Our garden is nothing huge or fancy. It is about 4' by 1.5', and has a couple of tomato plants and a bird bath.
As you can see, it's cute, but a little empty, and we had some extra seeds lying around the house, so we decided to spruce up the edges with some flowers.
We decided that since we had to mow around the edge of the pot, and so we wouldn't pull it out when weeding, we would plant the seeds in a coffee container. We gathered up some soil, the packet of seeds, and the coffee container and set out to grow us some pretty, pretty flowers.
I took the growing of the flowers as a kind of redemption for all of the other plants I had killed in my lifetime. Like with each bud, each petal, a past gardening sin would be erased. I slaved over the coffee cup, waiting, watching, talking to it, making sure it had water and plenty of sunlight. It became a terrible waiting game.
Then one day, it sprouted. The sprout was like a tiny green leafy fist pointed defiantly to the heavens. I was overjoyed. I had grown something. Not just a pre-potted plant, but from a seed. I had done it (albeit with Brad's help, but he's great at growing stuff, so that doesn't count).
Days turned into weeks, and I wondered why the plant was getting taller, but not bushy. Then two months passed, and the plant that was supposed to turn into a beautiful bunch of flowers, just turned into a vine. Eventually, I noticed that the plant in the coffee container looked suspiciously like the ivy that taken forever to clear out from around the house.
That's right, instead of a thing of awesomeness, I was growing a weed. Worse than a weed, a destructive thing of ivy. I was crushed.......
Then I thought about it. I had nursed and grown that ivy vine from a sproutling. Not just that, but it was flourishing. Maybe my thumb isn't green just yet, but, by God, it is at least teal.
I feel like there is some deeper meaning here, but it's game night, and Brad promised me ice cream.
ice cream.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
ITWSSG Saturday
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Odds and Ends....
Odds and Ends
Hiccuping while pooping is counterproductive.
I sometimes wish that our dog, Maddie, had opposable thumbs so she could let herself out. Then I realize just how freaky that would look, and let her out myself.
Brad cut most of my hair off a few days ago. My head feels cooler which is nice, but I realize that the hair style I have now is very anime-ish, and I can't decide whether that is nice or not. Also my roots are showing, which is not nice, but I am pretty sure nobody cares about.
Brad and I have started reading Neverwhere, which is an amazing book. We are reading it out loud, and since it is set in London, I have been reading most of the Characters voices in an English accent. That fact coupled with how much English TV (like Doctor Who, Torchwood, and Father Ted) we watch means that I slip into an accent without meaning to. It also means that when we watch anything with British accents, I can't really tell they have an accent anymore, unless it is really pronounced.
From my new job, working at a text answering service, the belief that some people should not be allowed to breed has been highly reinforced. Sometimes I just want to send back the message of "Thank you for your question. To further assist you please send in the address of your current location. Upon receival the sterilization team will be at your location shortly."
Why is Sweden so darn good at pop music? Seriously its like all they are good at is Pop, Ikea, and chefs (lol, muppets yay!). It's like when kids grow up they are tested:
"Can you sing?"
"Well can you cook?"
"The last thing I cooked turned into an unidentifiable lump. I named it SKÄRPT."
"Ikea product designer it is."
I'm starting to worry that to make the Ferengi, the writers of Deep Space 9 looked at a list of all the worst Jewish stereotypes and were like "yep, that'll do." Also, the feminist in me is kind of mad at Keiko O'Brien. In one of the episodes she has lost her purpose, on Next Generation she worked as a botanist, working primarily in the arboretum. She was also the head of the biology lab. When they get to DS9, they don't need a botanist, so what does she do? She becomes a school marm. Really Keiko? Really?
Welp, That's all for now. See ya next time.
Oh and DT.......Spanish Flea!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Vacation, part 2
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Mindblowing Meat Cake Madness
One day last week, Brad and I decided to embark on the path of making a meatloaf cake. It seemed like something fun, and fairly easy to do, plus we both like meatloaf, and we had to try out our new spring-form pan.
I made the meatloaf mix like usual, meat (ground beef), eggs, bread crumbs, garlic, onion powder, and a super-secret seasoning. Thus mixed, I gingerly pressed the meat mixture into the pan and prayed to the meatloaf gods for even cooking, and tasty meat. Prayer completed, I topped the meat mush with ketchup, and into the oven it went.
About an hour and a half later, the intoxicating smell of cooking beef wafted into the living room. The smell was exquisite, causing me to hallucinate that the enemies I was killing on Halo were joints of mutton and other meaty delights. It was distracting to say the least.
In preparation for the feast to come I sent Brad to the kitchen to start the mashed potatoes.
Another 15 minutes later and it was time to pull my creation out of the oven. It was beautiful and terrible. I knew, without a doubt, that this was the prettiest meat loaf in all of known creation. All other bread shaped meat dishes quaked in fear and awe.
We let it cool and then topped it, frosting style, with the mashed potatoes. A hasty ketchup decoration later, and viola!
Trepidatiously, we approached the deceptive decorated delight, and cut ourselves some slices. Plates in hand, we adjourned to the living room, and sat down to our feast.
Each bite was better than the last. An ecstasy of flavor, and sauce, and meat poured into our mouths like forkfuls from the gods. It was almost too much to bear; Brad met my tear filled eyes and we shared a moment of perfect understanding. Nothing, not even chocolate, had nor would ever taste this good.
When our stomachs were satiated and our plates were empty, we each shared a burp of appreciation.
I will look fondly on our meat-tastic adventure until I am old, and gray, and probably still burping up bits of it.
The shots above are there because, ya know, pics or it didn't happen.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
I'm Late, I'm Late, for a very important date.
We had an internet outage in our area, which was without a doubt the scariest thing to ever happen to me.
I apologize for not having it up, and humbly offer it to you today.
Let me clarify today's ITWSSG. I really do hope the new cap works. The ending of the devastation of the Gulf would be a wonderful thing. The cynic in me just highly doubts the workiness anything that BP does anymore.
Have a great weekend everybody. See ya tomorrow!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Bad case of the Blahs
Here's what happens:
Day One:
Everything is fine, sparkly in fact.
The possibilities seem endless, and everything seems full of awesome.
Then something happens. It's like the shine wears off.
Then I hit the point where I am at now.
I am hoping this is just a passing thing. I am going to keep working at it here, and hoping it goes away. I will keep plugging away, searching the internet to get inspiration.
On a separate note, ITWSSG will be up later today, instead of tomorrow, because I am going to the lake!!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
So I would play any game that I got on the easiest mode it came with. Yes, I know it is a terrible habit, but I rationalized by saying that I played games for the plot. That's all well and good, but I was playing games like Unreal Tournament. Yeah, real heavy on the plot that game was.
Now I have expanded my horizons a bit, because I realized that by playing on easy all the time, I wasn't getting any better. I still enjoy playing games for the plot (and with great new games like Alan Wake and Mass Effect, I feel less like a tool saying that), but I don't enjoy getting spanked by my friends. So now I start games on normal, and work my way up (I even finished Halo 3 on legendary, what what!). I think I am getting a little better, though sometimes I still randomly jump into the yawning abyss.
I think that, with the newer game consoles, it's easier to play on harder settings (if that makes sense). On older consoles the save points were few and far between. Add the save points to the fact that lives were severally limited, and you have a mixture for repeated Megan fails. Most of today's games still have save points, yes, but they also have a pause menu save option; which makes for a slightly less frustrated Megan.
Then I came across this:
I would play the crap outta those games (for the plot, of course), but inevitably, my character would still find a way to bite the dust. Probably literally.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Post more tomorrow.
Enjoy dinosaurs.
Imma go back to bed now
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Man Stuff
Brad and Marvin are two very different people. Brad is nerdery to its finest. He loves movies and comics and video games. He loves rock music, and hates country music. He can kick booty in a game of Magic, or Halo, and still whip up a darn tasty batch of won-tons.
Marvin is almost like the anti-Brad. Doesn't really like movies, or TV; he only really watches the shows on hunting or random science shows (think Mythbusters). I've never known him to play a video game, he would much rather be chopping wood or sitting out on the porch. Marvin loves country, and while he can whip up a mean steak, I can't really picture him in a kitchen.
Somehow though, Brad and Marvin get along really well. I have a theory on why this happens: they both look at the other, and their interests, with a kind of bemusement. They both get the same look on their face sometimes, when the other says something. It is the 'I want to laugh, but am being polite' look.
The other reason that they get along so well, I think, is what I call Man Stuff. Man Stuff (it deserves capital letters) is stuff like building things, or hunting, or hitting things with a hammer. Brad doesn't have many other manly testosterone filled men (no offense Dt, Kaz, etc. I love you, but you've never carved a canoe out of a tree. Marvin has done that) to talk too, so I think he kind of looks up to Marvin in that regard.
I mean, besides building a canoe, Marvin has built a workshop, ginormous chicken coup, tables and benches. He also hunts regularly, and cleans his own kills. Which used to freak me right the heck out when I lived with my mom. Nothing says 'Good Morning' like a deer carcass hanging outside.
I love the fact that Brad and Marvin can get along. It is darn near inspirational, that two guys, who are worlds apart, can get along so well. World leaders should try it sometime. Can you imagine Obama and Ahmadinejad building a bird house together? I can, and it is awesome.
Since today's post was a more serious than funny, I bring you...Today's Comic Relief:
Monday, July 12, 2010
Queen of Farts
Fartopia's ruler is not happy, because all day she is surrounded by farts. Her king farts. Her royal subjects all fart (which let me tell you, cat and dog farts are the worst!). Her friends fart. All day long she sits on her smelly throne, surrounded by the smell of gas, wishing the malodorous stink lines would go away from above her head.
I am starting to think I need to change everyone's diet, because the gas problem at my house is getting insane. I'm pretty sure that, any day now, we are going to be reported to ONG as having a leak.
Brad is pretty bad about it. Last night he cut one, and then walked from our den to the living room. The stink followed him into the next room. It was like a horrible, horrible scent trail wafting between the rooms. He blamed it on a duck. I told him that the duck must have died long ago to work up that level of stench.
Brad and DT have farting contests. At least, I think they may be contests. They may also be some sort of super secret testing of smell as an offensive (very offensive) weapon for the government. It has gotten so bad between the two of them that I have literally gagged and had to step outside. I am super surprised that neither of them has gotten methane poisoning (that's a real thing right?).
The cats are not much better. Hime in particular. She has mastered the art of the sneak attack. She comes and lays down on you, usually right on your chest, and then lets one rip. One time I caught her doing it, yelled at her (not very loud, mind you) and I swear to God she started purring at me. Like she did it on purpose to punish me for something. Ugh.
Maddie (our dog) is the master of the crop duster. She will walk by us, neat as you please, all innocent-like. Then, a few seconds later...WHAM... dog farts. If you have never smelled dog farts you should thank whatever deity you pray to profusely. Dog farts are the Cthulhu of the world of gaseous anomalies. They will drive you into madness, and out the other side. On a scale of one to ten, Maddie farts are a *Blargh* (a unit of measure that is more than a ten but less than a googolplex).
What about me (meaning me, Megan, not you, who ever you are), you may ask. Well, I am a girl. Girls don't fart. We pass gas like a gentle breeze, and it always smells of fresh flowers and baking cookies. True story.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
All about DT
This happened to DT today at work.
Ahhh DT.
We love you so much, because only you can pull stuff like this, and, not only get not fired, but get the customer to laugh it off.
You are a wonder, but next Magic game, you are going down.
Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOVO!!!! We loves you bunches!
Adventures of ITWSSG #4
[caption id="attachment_183" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="(Photo from Tyson2u)"][/caption]
See you Monday everyone.
Tyson2u's photos here.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Magic: The Gathering....of weirdos
On to today's topic.
As I said in a previous post, Brad, a friend of ours named DT, and I have been playing a lot of Magic: The Gathering. We are all like 2 steps away from a serious addiction problem with it. I've started to notice though that it is a dirty, dirty game. Not in a sense of physical exertion, or cheating....well much (I'm lookin' at you Brad). It's just that several of the much used phrases, taken out of context, can be horribly dirty. Especially if you are as immature as we are.
Inevitably, and usually multiple times, during the night someone will say something and we will collapse into giggles (well, I giggle, the boys chuckle all manly like I suppose). A couple of weeks ago I started writing down the things that have been said, so that everyone who reads this can be just as immature as we are.
Things we have said, taken completely out of context:
Tap that
I forgot to tap that.
I wish I hadn't tapped that.
Tink me, Tink me hard.
Go ahead and tink me, you know you wanna.
I don't have a very happy hand. I have a sad hand.
You just got black blazed. (linked because I felt it may need some explanation)
Don't put your red deck in my box. You know it doesn't go there.
-Brad to DT: you have a huge deck.
Stop pulling stuff out of your a**.
Take it.
Yep, those things have come out of our faces at one time or another, and in the gaming context they are all completely innocent.
No they're not.
Also Mom,
If you are reading this, I'm sorry my humor is still at a fifth grade level, but you have to's pretty funny though.....right?.....right??
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Ninja Cat is Ninja-y
She is weird, I mean even for a cat (because all cats are a little bit bizarre), and so I thought that today I would share my miser....I mean her weird antics with you.
First off, she follows me into the bathroom. Our bathroom door doesn't close all the way if you just swing it shut; it looks like it is closed, but in reality you could push it open. Hime knows this, and for some reason thinks that whenever I have to, um, go, she needs to see what I am doing in there. She does this every single time I go to the bathroom. I can only imagine what her thought process is:
Hmmm, the big furless cat that gives me food is going into a secret room and shutting the door. She must be doing some mystical thing in there. I must find out what it is. She pushes open the door. Oh, my, well that is not what I thought at all.
Hime is also a food ninja. I don't know why, we feed her enough that she has a little Buddha belly. Regardless she feels that any food left unattended for even a second (and some that is still very much attended) is hers. She doesn't just stand there eating it either. No, she takes it and runs like the hounds of Hell are after her.
Food Hime tries to steal on a regular basis:
Chips (any flavor)
Any meat (yep, anything, not just fish)
Ice Cream
Hot Dogs (they don't count as real meat)
Any sort of bones
A few of the above list I understand. Cats like meat, okay, I get it, but broccoli and potato chips? I mean, what the heck. Either everything I cook tastes frickin' magically delicious, or she is a big ol' freak. Neither of our other cats will eat broccoli, heck I have a hard enough time getting Brad to eat it.
Lastly Hime is a shoulder cat. I don't mean that anything is wrong with her shoulders (look honey, the cat sprouted wings again); I mean she loves riding around perched on people's shoulders. It's like she thinks she is a furry parrot. It would be fine, except she has claws like talons, and knows how to use them.
Also she is the only cat I know that gives hugs. Well, I don't know if they are exactly hugs. I get the feeling that if she had opposable thumbs, I wouldn't be here right now.
That's our Hime; ninja-shoulder-bathroom cat extraordinaire. We lover her, and I'm pretty sure she loves us too. I've got the scratches to prove it.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Totally Terrific Top-hat Tomfoolery!
Things that are infinitely better with top-hats and mustaches:
(With thanks to DT, Kazallo, Ezekiel, and others (who I don't have permission to use her name yet) for the ideas!!)
[caption id="attachment_155" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="(Gremlins are the Copyright of Warner Bros. Studios)"][/caption]
So there you go! No more proof needed, right?
Enjoy your Wednesday everybody!!!