Brad and Marvin are two very different people. Brad is nerdery to its finest. He loves movies and comics and video games. He loves rock music, and hates country music. He can kick booty in a game of Magic, or Halo, and still whip up a darn tasty batch of won-tons.
Marvin is almost like the anti-Brad. Doesn't really like movies, or TV; he only really watches the shows on hunting or random science shows (think Mythbusters). I've never known him to play a video game, he would much rather be chopping wood or sitting out on the porch. Marvin loves country, and while he can whip up a mean steak, I can't really picture him in a kitchen.
Somehow though, Brad and Marvin get along really well. I have a theory on why this happens: they both look at the other, and their interests, with a kind of bemusement. They both get the same look on their face sometimes, when the other says something. It is the 'I want to laugh, but am being polite' look.
The other reason that they get along so well, I think, is what I call Man Stuff. Man Stuff (it deserves capital letters) is stuff like building things, or hunting, or hitting things with a hammer. Brad doesn't have many other manly testosterone filled men (no offense Dt, Kaz, etc. I love you, but you've never carved a canoe out of a tree. Marvin has done that) to talk too, so I think he kind of looks up to Marvin in that regard.
I mean, besides building a canoe, Marvin has built a workshop, ginormous chicken coup, tables and benches. He also hunts regularly, and cleans his own kills. Which used to freak me right the heck out when I lived with my mom. Nothing says 'Good Morning' like a deer carcass hanging outside.
I love the fact that Brad and Marvin can get along. It is darn near inspirational, that two guys, who are worlds apart, can get along so well. World leaders should try it sometime. Can you imagine Obama and Ahmadinejad building a bird house together? I can, and it is awesome.
Since today's post was a more serious than funny, I bring you...Today's Comic Relief:
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